Tuesday, September 1, 2009

The Wedding Proposal

After the Tolibas-Mejia Wedding Project, Ate Precy Rivera, the wife of Col. Rivera (PA) from Nueva Vizacaya, who is now assigned at V. Luna Memorial Hospital came over. Their eldest son, Ronald, is going to get married to a beautiful and intelligent lady from Ilocos, Sheena Bravo Abella, a graduating student taking-up her masteral degree in Public Administration at NCPAG in the University of the Philippines.

One of the most intricate material in the photography component aspect of this project is our banner photo. Our banner photo is actually a picture of the reflection coming from the eyes of Sheena looking over at Ronald who is standing in front of her, with Sheena's pupil centering at the Sigma (Macro) lens we used for this shot. We superimposed the picture of the celebrant at Sheena's pupil, applying an opacity tool with feathers. Every project we undertake are uniquely produced for each of our subject. This is one of the main feature in this pre-nuptial shooting we produced at the La Mesa Dam Eco Park, aside from our usually unique editing techniques using duly licensed sofwares. Wedding is a once in a lifetime affair. We, however, can only do much as documentors/editor depending on the cooperation of our subject and their coordinators.

The Abella - Rivera Love Affair in You Tube:


A Juris De Leon Videography
Marc Marcos Photography
Roy R. Luga
Producer/Lead Photographer/Videographer


The Abella-Rivera Wedding . . .


1. Pre Nuptial (MTV) -

Concept, Digital Photography, Videography & Editing
Write-Up, Blogsite Design and Development

by : Roy R. Luga

Location : La Mesa Dam Eco Park
Background Music : Forever More . . .
Composer singer: Side "A" Band interpreted by Jimmy Bondoc

2. "The Wedding Proper" (MTV) -

Location : Shangrila
West Avenue
Background music: _______________
Composer Singer: ________________

Camera 1


Camera 1

Director/Videographer: Roy R. Luga/Nick Naval

Camera 2

Director/Videographer: Juris De Leon/Ritz Balmores


Camera 1

Marc Marcos

Camera 2 (Back-Up/Lead Photographer)

Roy R. Luga

3. "The Reception" (MTV) -

Camera 1

Director/Videographer: Roy R. Luga/Nick Naval

Camera 2

Director/Videographer: Juris De Leon/Ritz Balmores


Camera 1

Marc Marcos

Camera 2 (Back-Up/Lead Photographer)

Roy R. Luga



300 to 500 +++ Digital Pictures on DVD
100 to 150 Pictures duly edited in Adobe Photoshop
1 4 to 8 minutes Photoshow on DVD

Main Camera:
Canon 7 Mp EOS
High Resolution
Digital Camera

Back Up Cameras:
Canon Rebel EOS Analog
Olympus 5 MP Digital


SIGMA Tele Foto 300 mm.
Canon Standard 17 - 55 mm.
Canon Standard 15-75 mm.

Back-Up Crew:



2 Video Camera Set up

2 Team Videography Crew

1 Photographer with Back-up

2 Team Crew


Minimum of three Layer per Clip
Complete with Graphic Design, Effects and Text


Still Camera:

High Resolution Canon EOS Level
with varied lenses (Tele-Foto, Macro, Standard)

Video Cameras:

JVC Digital High Resolution
National 3 CCD


2 Set German Video Lights


Carla Fontanilla


MR. ROY R. LUGA  is the former writer, photographer, blogsite designer and developer of Usec. Robert T. Rivera, former Undersecretary for Operations, Office of the Press Secretary, Office of the President.

JURIS DE LEON and RITZ VALMORES are graduates of the Far Eastern University College of Mass Communication. Juris and Ritz were the director and videographer, respectively, of the award winning "Indie" short film entitled : "Rubrics". Juris is now in an on the job training with GMA 7. Both Juris and Ritz produced their debut Wedding Segment in Roy R. Luga's production the "The Wedding March".

MARC MARCOS, is a veteran photographer, whose wife is Badet Marcos, former Printer and Manager of Konica SM Fairview.

NICK NAVAL, Production Assistant, a back-up Photographer/Videographer for six years and has been with different projects and production with Roy R. Luga and Usec. Robert T. Rivera's show Pilipinas Ngayon Na! Some of Nick's Photos were already published in major dailies.

Sunday, August 30, 2009


After the Tolibas-Mejia Wedding Project, Ate Precy Rivera, the wife of Col. Rivera (PA) from Nueva Vizacaya, who is now assigned at V. Luna Memorial Hospital came over. Their eldest son, Ronald, is going to get married to a beautiful and intelligent lady from Ilocos, Sheena Bravo Abella, a graduating student taking-up her masteral degree in Public Administration at NCPAG in the University of the Philippines.

One of the most intricate material in the photography component aspect of this project is our banner photo. Our banner photo is actually a picture of the reflection coming from the eyes of Sheena looking over at Ronald who is standing in front of her, with Sheena's pupil centering at the Sigma (Macro) lens we used for this shot. We superimposed the picture of the celebrant at Sheena's pupil, applying an opacity tool with feathers. Every project we undertake are uniquely produced for each of our subject. This is one of the main feature in this pre-nuptial shooting we produced at the La Mesa Dam Eco Park, aside from our usually unique editing techniques using duly licensed sofwares. Wedding is a once in a lifetime affair. We, however, can only do much as documentors/editor depending on the cooperation of our subject and their coordinators.